Bhujangasana is known as the cobra pose. It comes from the Sanskrit meaning of bhujangasan means cobra and asana means posture. cobra pose is also included in Surya Namaskar and Padma Sadhana.
it is an alternative pose of Urdhva mukha shavasan.
it is the beginner-level pose.
- First of all, lie down on your stomach and keep your heels together
- Now keep your palms on the ground, keep in mind that both the palms should be near the shoulder, keep the forehead on the ground
- Now, taking many breaths, we will lift our head, chest and upper abdomen from the ground and keep our pelvis and lower abdomen on the ground.
- Use both your arms to lift your upper body, but keep your elbows close to your body.
- Maintain this position, do not hold your breath and then slowly exhale to lower your body back down to the ground. This is complete steps of the cobra pose.
- if you have any injury like spinal stenosis or gap reduction detected in an x-ray of the spine that time we should avoid cobra poses.
- while cobra poses we should avoid overstreigth.
- if you have any heart surgery or spinal surgery we should avoid cobra pose
Effect on spine-
Our spine is called Vertebrate, it is made up of 33 different Vertebrae which are stacked on top of each other, there is a fluid in the middle of them which helps in the movement of the spine.
spine has 3 parts . first is a cervical area which is from C1 to C7, thoracic vertebrae which is from T1 to T9 and lumbar vertebrae which are L1 to L4.
Nerves come out from every vertebrate and are connected to the body parts, these nerves provide signals to the brain, according to the picture, we can see that these nerves are connected to different parts of the body organ during cobra pose when we go up while breathing in the arms. So the nerves of the spine are affected, which gives more effect on the thoracic, increases the flow of blood and strengthens the circulatory system. as well as provides strength to the spine.